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Image result for dried yellow cornSOY BEANS SEED

Nutrient Profile   D.M. AS FED Dry Matter 100.00% 88.00% Crude Protein 47.73% 42.00% Bypass Protein 56.00% 56.00% Crude Fat 5.00% 4.40% Crude Fiber 6.59% 5.80% Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) 7.99% 7.03% Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF) 27.27% 24.00% Total Digest Nutrs (TDN) 86.00% 75.68% Net Energy Lact. (Mcal/Lb.) 1.08% 0.95% Net Energy Main. (Mcal/Lb.) 0.99% 0.87% Net Energy Gain. (Mcal/Lb.) 0.66% 0.58% Calcium 0.34% 0.30% Phosphorus 0.70% 0.62% Ash 6.70% 5.90% Magnesium 0.28% 0.25% Potassium 1.98% 1.74% Sulfur 0.37% 0.33% Sodium 0.03% 0.03%

Amino Acid Profile Aspartic Acid 5.04% Leucine 3.45% Threonine 1.74% Tyrosine 1.92% Serine 2.09% Phenylalanine 2.16% Glumatic Acid 8.60% Lysine 2.54% Glycine 1.95% Histidine 1.36% Alanine 1.72% Arginine 2.93% Valine 2.26% Methionine 0.74% Isoleucine 2.24% Moisture 12.00%

The health benefits of pulses. Plus, 10 ways to use them - Healthy Food  Guide    BEANS & PULSES

South Africa is a leading producer of dry beans and peas in the sub-Saharan region. However, consumption of beans, peas and pulses far exceeds the local production. This gives Klatrade the opportunity to import and trade domestically in a variety of beans, peas and pulses.

  Klatrade in LIGHT SPECKLED KIDNEY BEANS, PURPLE SPECKLED KIDNEY BEANS, PINTO BEANS, GREEN and YELLOW PEAS and a variety of PULSES Kla Trade procures their beans and pulses globally from various countries but not limited to Canada, USA, Brazil. Klatrade range of pre-packed BEANS, PEAS and PULSES has become a household brand in South Africa.

Whole-wheat flour - Wikipedia WHEAT FLOUR &

From time to time, Klatrade is active in the imports of FLOUR and CORN STARCH into South Africa.